Packaging that's good for the environment

There is a reason that companies use plastic for their product's packaging.  When plastics were introduced 100 years ago, it created a revolution in product packaging.  Suddenly, new ways of safely transporting goods, while preserving their freshness opened up new opportunities for companies to deliver new and better products to their consumers.

Too much of a good thing can cause trouble.  Did you know that

  • The US EPA estimates that 25% of the contents of our landfills are plastic
  • Despite our best-efforts, only 5% of the plastic manufactured is recycled

Biodegradable plastic is the answer

Traditional plastic remains in a landfill site for thousands of years.  Newly developed technologies allow plastic to be manufactured which will safely biodegrade in as little as 3 years.  Even better, this new process, only adds a few percent to the cost of the package.  It just makes sense.

Seem too good to be true?  It's not.  Contact the manufacturers of the products that you use, and tell them biodegradable packaging and this site.  The world will be glad that you did. 

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